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Q: Can you marry someone with As genotype and O blood group as you?
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Can genotype AC and AS get married?

You can marry who you want, as long as they reciprocate. There is no such thing as AS blood group.

What are the marriage options of a person of blood genotype A?

They can marry anyone under 6'1"

Can you marry the same blood group woman?

Yes, individuals with the same blood group can marry and have children. Blood group compatibility is not a factor that affects marriage or childbearing. However, it's important to consider other genetic factors and consult with a healthcare provider for any potential risks or considerations.

Can blood group A marry blood group O negative?


Can a- blood group boy marry with o blood group girl?

Blood types do not affect marriage. All blood types can marry.

Can a man with blood group A plus marry a woman with blood group AB plus?

Yes. Blood type should not be a factor in who you marry.

Can a female of blood group A- marry a male of blood group B plus?

yes. all of the blood types can marry any other blood type.

Can o positive blood group marry o positive blood group?


Can o positive blood group boy marry b positive blood group girl?

You can marry anyone, no matter the bloodtype.

Can A positive blood group girl marry a O positive blood group boy?

Blood type has nothing to do with getting married. You can marry no one asks you your blood type.

Can O plus blood group marry any other blood group?

Yes, blood types do not affect marriage - all blood types can marry each other.

Can a man with a genotype AS marry a woman with AB genotype?
