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No, I'm a virtual AI and don't have the physical capabilities to melt or manipulate physical objects, including metals. However, in the real world, metal can be melted through the application of heat. Different metals have different melting points, which is the temperature at which they transition from a solid to a liquid state. The process of melting metal involves raising its temperature to reach or exceed its melting point, causing the solid metal to transform into a molten liquid.

Melting metal is a common practice in Metallurgy and various industries, such as metalworking, manufacturing, and foundries, where metals are melted and then cast into different shapes and forms to create a wide range of products. The methods for melting metals vary based on factors like the type of metal, the required temperature, and the desired end product. Techniques include using furnaces, induction heating, and other specialized equipment designed for high-temperature applications.

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13y ago

Yes you can, although some more eaisily than others as they all have different melting points. To find out the exact melting points you can Google, for example:: 'Melting point of Iron'

Melting metals is quite commonly used in industries to shape the metal into a mould, which is called 'Casting'.

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Q: Can you melt metal
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How hot does it have to be to melt metal?

You need to define "metal"- since different metals have VERY different melting points. Mercury is melted at room temp. Gallium can melt in boiling water. Lead and tin are mixed as solder, and melt at fairly low temps. Gold and silver melt at moderate low temps. Aluminum is higher. Steels and hi temperature tungsten alloys will glow white hot before melting. So- which metal did you have in mind

At what temperature does acrylic melt?


What are the main uses of brazing?

Brazing is the leading method of metal joining in many HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) appliances and equipment. It is also commonly used in joining or repairing copper pipes. As a general rule, brazing is used when solid, leak proof joints must be made without melting the base metals (which rules welding and soldering out.)Where a filler metal is heated above and spread between two or more close-fitting parts by capillary action. The filler metal is brought a little above its melting temperature while protected by a good enough atmosphere.Then it flows over the base metal (known as wetting) and then is cooled to join the workpieces together.The temperatures used to melt the filler metal is above 842 °F.

What is Heavy Melting Steel Scrap?

its when they take scraps of metal are melt it down to pure usable metal The above answer to the question "WHAT IS HEAVY MELTING STEEL SCRAP?", is an inappropriate and incorrect answer For More Details Plz Visit at: (Like, Ms Ingot, Scrap, Sponge Iron, Pig Iron, TMT, Rebars, Iron Ore, Wire Rod, Angle, Channle, Girder, HR/CR Coils, Billets, Iron Pellets, Rolling, Metals,etc. Prices) OR Call +91-98888-14974

Do you need a safety mask for metal grinding?

When grinding metal you should wear eye protection. A mask to filter metal particles from the air you breath may be appropriate if you are doing work that will release very small metal particles, and if the metal is chemically hazardous.

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all metal can melt

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Does electrocution really melt silver?

If enough electrical energy is put into a metal, it can easily melt that metal.

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melt the plastic to the metal

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All the alkali metals will melt.

Do all metal melt?

Yes, though they melt at different temperatures.

How is metal turned into a liquid?

you melt it

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No, stomach acid cannot melt metal. Stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid, is strong enough to break down food for digestion, but it is not powerful enough to melt metal. Metal requires much higher temperatures to melt.

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You can stick it to metal.

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you can melt them together