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Yes, irregular bleeding can occur with the implant. However if you are worried, best to see you GP

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Q: Can you miss your period and the next month have implantation bleeding?
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Can this be implantation bleeding you miss your period for 1 month then on the first of the next month you have light bleeding for one day and passed a small blood clot?


You missed your period in April now you been having implantation bleeding and today makes the 4th day?

The only implantation bleeding you should experience should be a couple of days before your period is due - not a month after you miss your period. Are you sure you are pregnant? It could be the beginning of a miscarriage. Implantation bleeding doesn't last 4 days hun. Its rare when it lasts this long. AND if you missed your period in April you definitely will not be having implantation bleeding now. You may be experiencing a late period which is lighter than normal for you. But I would have a blood test to see if you are pregnant or whether its a hormonal problem causing the missed period.

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

If you get your period and spot blood once almost 2 weeks later after unprotected sex are you pregnant?

Yes you could be pregnant. Take a test when you miss you period. It could be implantation bleeding.

If your period is four days early and ends in three days is that implantation bleeding?

This could definetly be implantation bleeding if unprotected sex has taking place 10 -14 days before. Implantation bleeding should be much different to a period its alot lighter and only lasts a few hours. If its just like a normal period clotty and dark red then its likely to be an early period expecially if your periods are irregular, if your still in doubt do a home pregnancy test two days after your period would have been due you shoud get an accurate result.

Is it too early to test 2 days after having what you think is an implantation bleeding?

I would say yes. Normal pregnancy tests can't be used until you miss your period. Some as early as the day you were supposed to start your period.

Does it mean your pregnant if you wipe n see a spot of blood?

It's possible. The blood you saw could have been a result of implantation bleeding. Wait until you miss your period and then take a test.

If you need a pantyliner does than mean it's not implantation?

No, you need a pantyliner with implantation too. If you miss your next period, take a test

Why would you have your period for just one day?

If you have had sex recently, it could be implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, wait and see what will happen with your next period. If you miss that or it is lighter or shorter than usual, go and see the doctor

You got your period 2 days early but it is nothing like your regular period it is a paler shade of red and it has a eggwhite consistency to it also with tiny clots could it be implantation bleeding?

Yes, I do think it could be implantation bleeding. My advice would be to get a pregnancy test, preferably a First Response it gives you a positive as soon as 5 days before you miss your period, so if it's negative it is more probable that you are not pregnant since it should show up by now. But Good Luck! And don't give up if you are trying to conceive.

Can you start implantation bleeding the same day your period is supposed to start?

This form of bleeding takes place six to twelve days after ovulation. ( A females ovulation generally takes place 14 days before her period). There will not be a large amount of blood, some women may not even notice any. Implantation bleeding only lasts a couple of days, this is the way to compare and contrast the difference between implantation and menstrual bleeding. You must keep in mind though that not everyone will experience implantation bleeding.

When can you expect your period after a miss carriage?

You will have your menstruation after a month.