

Can you miss your period by taking certain medication?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No it is not possible there is no way to get rid of your period other than pregnancy

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Q: Can you miss your period by taking certain medication?
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You may miss a period or your period might arrive later than usual due to the change-over in BC pills.

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What should you do if you miss a does of depakote?

You just continuing taking it how you're supposed to. It's okay if you miss a dose.

Does prenatal vitamins cause you to miss your period?

No prenatal vitamins do not cause you to miss your period - they are vitamins, thus have no influence on your menstrual cycle. Consider that if prenatal vitamins did cause you to miss your period (which would only happen if you missed ovulation) then they would prevent pregnancy, this work against those who were taking them!

Is it common to miss a period while taking ortho cept 28?

Sometimes you can miss a period when you have recently started taking contraception pills. However, the likelihood of pregnancy needs to be ruled out. Do a pregnancy test. If the test is negative wait till your next period arrives. If it arrives like normal then the missed period was probably a one off thing. But if your next period doesnt arrive, see your doctor for a change in BCP.

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Yes this is normal. Your period should return to a normal cycle within 3 months.

Is it common to miss your period while taking plexus slim?

My mom sells plexus and I have been taking them a little less than a month. My period was supposed to start yesterday but it usually starts before. That's the only thing that I can think of... And my period is always on time every month..

Should you keep taking the birth control pill if you miss one pill and your period starts?

It would be best to continue taking the pill each day regardless of bleeding.