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Q: Can you mix Ativan with diclofenac?
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Can you mix Ativan with Benadryl?

Benadryl can be mixed with haldol, but not with Ativan

Can diclofenac and B6 B12 mix together in one injection?

You don't have to worry, Diclofenac, B6 and B12 do not interact with eachother.

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you get messed up

Can you mix penicillin and diclofenac potassium?

There is no logic behind mixing to drugs. You can take them together. Penicillin will be absorbed in the stomach and diclofenac is usually enteric coated. Diclofenac will be released in the small intestine and absorbed from there.

Can you mix Ativan and Benadryl in the same syringe?

Benadryl is incompatible with Haldol, do not mix. Compatibility is unknown between Benadryl and Ativan, do not mix. Ativan is compatible with Haldol, ok to mix. To prepare and serve a B52=Haldol and Ativan in one syringe, Benadryl in another.

Can you mix xanax and Ativan?

A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

What happens when you mix Ativan with wine?

I have taken 5 glasses of wine and 1mg Ativan before going to sleep...I slept like a baby! The problem is if you increase the Ativan dose, I read it can be lethal!

Can you mix Ativan with meths?

That seems like a really dangerous combination. Really.

Can you mix Dilaudid and Ativan for iv injection?

You most certainly can if you are waiting to meet your maker.

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remafen diclofenac for what medicine

Diclofenac can i take simvastatin tablet and Zanidip tablets while taking diclofenac?

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