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Goldfish are coldwater fish, not tropical fish, and they prefer to live in coldwater. Higher temperature water contains lower dissolved oxygen levels thus making it harder for the goldfish to breath.

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15y ago
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14y ago

You can but it is not wise. Goldfish like their water cold around 60F or under. Mollies like their water warm around 70F or warmer. So if you put them together you will have to be keeping one or the other in conditions that it has not evolved to live in. This means it will be more prone to disease etc and will not last long.

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10y ago

No, goldfish should only live with goldfish with a few exceptions such as apple/mystery snails, weather (dojo) loaches, or even a bristlenose pleco.

Goldfish should not be kept in water that is 'tropical' for long periods as they are not meant for those temperatures; they thrive in water that is cooler, but not too cold.

In addition, most tropical fish have different PH needs, and although goldfish can handle a variety of PH levels, you should never try to force a different environment for the sake of having a 'pretty' tank.

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Q: Can you put goldfish into a tropical tank?
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Can you put tropical fish in tank with goldfish?

No goldfish would prefer to have a lower temperature than any type of tropical fish, however some goldfish can withstand higher temperature if they are slowly acclimated to it! But in the long run goldfish would be happy with other goldfish and tropical fish with tropical fish... there is a reason you don't see the goldfish with the tropical fish in a good aquatic store.

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.

What type of tropical fish can you put in with goldfish?

None, goldfish are cold water fish, so having a tropical fish as a tank-mate just wouldn't work because tropical fish need to live in warm water.

Can you put tropical fish in a goldfish tank?

Goldfish, even though they are technically cold-water fish, can do fine at tropical temps. Be careful though, even the smallest species of goldfish you can commonly find needs 10 gallons all to themselves, because they get really big.

What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.

What fish can you put in a cold tank?

You can not put tropical fish in coldwayter bevause they need hot water to survive but you can put goldfish in coldwater becaue they are coldwater fish

Can keep goldfish and other fish in same tank?

Rule of thumb is to not mix tropical fish and goldfish.

How do you feed goldfish?

best to do flake or pellets food feed 3 times a day do how many about 2 or 3 per goldfish not too much. Do tropical or goldfish food to feed goldfish. They need cold water or as warm as tropical fish in degrees. You can put tropical with goldfish.You can put goldfish outside in a pond. WARNING! DON'T PUT TROPICAL IN POND OUTSIDE OR THEY WILL DIE! I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you put a goldfish in a tropical fish tank with tropical fish?

you should'nt put parrotfish with goldfish. Parrot fish are known to be be quite mean. It will eat or kill the goldfish if it is smaller than he is. So unless you have a really big goldfish, I suggest not putting it in with the parrotfish.

When you clean your goldfish tank and put new prime drops in how long before you can put the goldfish back in the tank?

about half an hour to an hour

Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?

No, Neon Tetras and Goldfish do not belong in the same tank. Goldfish prefer cold water, while Tetras are more of a tropical fish.

Can you put the frogs in one tank together with goldfish?

No. Unless you put it in a tank with sand.