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Q: Can you mix lamictal and bactrim together?
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I take both Lamictal and Pristiq together and haven't noticed any side-effects.

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Yes, when both are prescribed by the same doctor and all the precautions are checked for lamictal dosage, both can be take together.

Can you take bactrim and methadone together?

You should contact your doctor before mixing these drugs, but Methadone is not listed as a drug that interacts with Bactrim.

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Do ADD drugs mix with Lamictal?

It is safe to take your Lamictal with your ADHD drugs - so long as your doctor knows that you are taking everything. Lamictal is often used to treat mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. You might also be taking it to treat seizures.

Can depakote and lamictal together cause nystagmus?

My son has been taking Depakote and Lamictal together for 2-3 months and was just diagnosed with Nystagmus. I just started looking into this but when I get more answers I will post them.

Can you take bactrim and pyridine together?

Yes, you can take both at the same time. They usually prescribe them together.

Can you take Sudafed and Bactrim together?

Yes, you can. The decongestant in Sudafed does not react with Bactrim antibiotics. Remember to take all of your Bactrim even after you start feeling better. You want to kill all the bacteria and not leave any hiding in your body!