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Yes, you can take both at the same time. They usually prescribe them together.

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Q: Can you take bactrim and pyridine together?
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You should contact your doctor before mixing these drugs, but Methadone is not listed as a drug that interacts with Bactrim.

Can you take Sudafed and Bactrim together?

Yes, you can. The decongestant in Sudafed does not react with Bactrim antibiotics. Remember to take all of your Bactrim even after you start feeling better. You want to kill all the bacteria and not leave any hiding in your body!

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Yes thay can take bactrim an ds

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Yes you can, there are no interactions between the two. I checked with my pharmacist.

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Will bactrim cause a yeast infection can you take bactrim when the med expires?

Yes, it might and no, you can not take expired meds.

Can you take Tylenol and bactrim?

Yes, as Advil's active ingredient is ibuprofen. This does not react badly with the active ingredients in Bactrim and therefore they are safe to take together. However, if you experience side affects, you should consult a medical professional.

What is pyridine?

Pyridine is the name of a chemical similar to benzene. Benzene is a ring of 6 Carbons joined together with alternating double-bonds and single-bonds. Pyridine is the same, but with one of the Carbons replaced with a Nitogren. " It is a colorless liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like odor." -Wikipedia

What are pyridine bases?

Bases containing the pyridine substructure, or derived from pyridine as a starting material. Pyridine is basically benzene with one of the carbons substituted with a nitrogen, if that helps.