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Q: Can you name a few wise men in history?
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The name of one of the three wise men?

The Three Wise Men were - according to tradition - Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.

What was the name of the king visited by the wise men?

The King that was visited by the Wise Men was King Herod

Does the New Testament name the three wise men?


Another name for the wise man who bought presents to baby Jesus?

Another name for the three wise men is the Magi.

Where did the three wise men get their name from?

"Wise" means very intelligent and knowledgable, so that's where.

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The three wise men?

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the quantaliones, refered in the bible as the seventy wise men, they where really important and everyone had strong respect towards them.

What is the name of the start the three sise men followed?

The three wise men followed a star known as the Star of Bethlehem.

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What is the name of the three wise men from the nursury rhymes?

The three wise men from the nursery rhyme are typically named as Balthazar, Melchior, and Gaspar.