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Q: Can you name a plant in which the sepals remain attached after fertilization?
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What is the name of the plant in which sepals remain attached after fertilisation?

Chilli and brinjal can be an answer ! Confirmation mayb done for surity ! M in 12th !

Which plant sepal remain attached to the plant even after fertilization?

pineapple , guava , strawberry... i am a student in class 12th .... if its wrong then sorry..but i think its right.. :)

Describe post-fertilization changes leading to formation of seeds?

After fertilization in a plant occurs, other changes may occur. An embryo - which is the future plant - is formed, endosperm cells become the embryo's source of nutrition, the ovule of the plant is now the seed, the ovary becomes the fruit of the plant, and the petals and sepals will fall off of the plant.

What happens to the sepals as the flower opens?

Sepals are attached to the top of the stem of the flower. After the flower is completed formed the sepals open. This allows the petals to open and spread to expose the inside of the flower. Sepals in some plants are thorny or hairy to protect the plant and in some fall off after the flower opens.

What is all the sepals on a plant known as?


What do sepals do in plant production?

They produce pollen

Can you eat sepals?

Yes, if they are not on a poisonous plant

Why must the ovules be attached as they are in a flower?

The Ovules must remain attached to the mother plants as the embryo seeds develop and mature. After fertilization the plant devotes a lot of energy into growing the seeds and preparing them for dispersal. If the ovules is detached before maturity the seeds will not germinate. Think of picking an unripe apple, as the apple is the trees developing ovule.

Which part of the plant supplies food to the floral parts?


In a plant the site of meiosis and fertilization is the?

In a plant the site of meiosis and fertilization is the flower

What purpose do the sepals serve for the plant?

Sepals protect the tender flower parts in the flower bud and being green in color perform photosynthesis also.

What is fertilization of egg cells by pollen from a different plant?
