

Best Answer

brb is Be Right Back

gtg is Got to Go

lol is Laugh Out Loud

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Q: Can you name all the things like brb gtg lol?
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What does the Acronym BRB stand for?

BRB can have many meaning. It means Be Right Back. Besides that, it is the ISO country code for Barbados and the abbreviation for Brandenburg, a german federated state. In medicine it means Bright Red Blood and in the US Navy BRB stands for Baseline Review Board.

All those little short terms that teenagers use like lol and ttyl use what are they all and what do they mean?

ttyl= Talk to you later ttfn= ta ta for now lol= laugh out loud lmao= laugh my *profane* off lmfao= laugh my *profane* *profane* off brb= be right back nvm= can range between: nevermind and not very much nm= nothing much

What do abbreviations mean when you are chatting?

LOL= laugh our loud BRB = be right back AFK= Away from computer FOFLMAO= fall on floor laughing my a** off BBL=Be back later

Fact or opinion?

Frfr Effort feeds execs fever Crcdcdcdcdcrcrcdcdcdcdcdfdccecddedecdcrcrfrcrcdcdcdcdcdccddcdcdcdcdcdcd dcdccdedecddededd dcdccdedecddededd CD dc SC sc card faces deff fvvfvdvfvfvdvfvfvfvfvfvfff CD fvvfvdvfvfvdvfvfvfvfvfvfff amp and it just t is not bang they by by by brb

Is there a word that contains no vowels?

Almost all words contain a vowel (or a vowel sound), either a common vowel (AEIOU),or Y, or W as in words from Welsh. Acronyms or initialisms (DMV, brb)may not have vowels, but can be pronounced as if they do.Words without vowelsThere are onomatopoeia words that are interjections, such as brr, hmm, psst, shh, tsk, and zzz. The unspecified ordinal "nth" and the slang word "pwn" do not have vowels.