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yes but it is very, very disgusting! :P

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Q: Can you of make candles out of earwax?
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Why do we have earwax?

so you can make candles with it so you can use it to make carrots(thats why its orange)

How do ear candles help people?

Ear candles are a type of alternative therapy that involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear canal and lighting the other end. Proponents claim that it creates a vacuum effect that draws out earwax and impurities. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and in some cases, ear candles can cause injury or worsen ear conditions. It is recommended to seek advice from a medical professional before trying ear candling.

How can you use earwax?

u could make a candle

How do you make waxed paper?

You pick out all of your earwax and then put in on paper.

How many bees to make candles?

Bees don't make candles but beekeepers sometimes do.

Another name for earwax?

Another name for earwax is cerumen. Earwax is a waxy substance that is yellow in color and is secreted in the ear canal.

What did homemakers use to make candles?

They used grease and or fat with a whick to make candles. That is the simplest answer.

How do you make candles using food coloring?

You can not make candles with food coloring, they are made out of WAX.

What do colonists use to make candles?

Colonists do blood and sacrifice someone then boil it to make candles.

How does Shrek make candles?

Shrek makes candles out of his ears wax.

Do you blow out your birthday candles then make a wish?

You make your wish first, then blow out the candles. If you blow out the candles in one breath then your wish is supposed to come true.

Is earwax normal?

It is normal for the ear canal to have some yellowish-brown earwax