

Can you own a gun with a indesent assault charge?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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You need to get a lawyer to find out.

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Q: Can you own a gun with a indesent assault charge?
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Can you own a gun if you have an assault charge?

As long as it wasnt a felony charge you can

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In general, convictions, not charges, affect gun ownership. However, you should discuss this with an attorney in YOUR state,

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absolutely NOT!!!!

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It sort of depends, but if the assault charge is still on your record, you will probably be denied by the TBI if you try to buy a gun in Tennessee. If so, you can appeal it, and it may or may not be overturned. Tennessee is one of only a couple of states that uses its own state system for gun purchases, instead of the federal system only like most other states, and they don't follow the exact federal protocol.

Can you own a gun in KY if you have been arrested for assault?

Arrested? Yes. Convicted? Not if the assault was a felony, or against a domestic partner.

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If it's an ongoing felony charge, or a felony conviction, no.

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If the possession charge was a felony, no, it is not legal to own or possess a gun.

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Can you own a gun in AZ with domestic charge?

No, not in AZ or anywhere else.