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Q: Can you own your own business in cuba?
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Was cuba ever own by the us?

No, the US has never owned Cuba.

What impact did fidel Castro have on us business in cuba?

AS i understand, there is no us business in Cuba due to Fidel Castro or his brother being in charge over there.

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How hard is it to start a business in cuba?

easy if you have money

Money-laundering racket in Mafia Wars cuba?

You have to own all the businesses in cuba

What type of economy to Cuba have?

Ill be brief, Cuba posses a State controlled economy, meaning everything is owned by the government. The state controls the prices, the production , the distribution , etc of everything, leaving no room for a free market. Cubans cant own or create companies or business.

What part of Cuba does the US own?

Cuba is an independent country. It was previously a territory of Spain, but achieved its independence in 1902.

Could Kennedy avoid the Bay of Pigs invasion?

Yes. He could not have attacked. The Bay of Pigs invasion was an unprovoked attack. Cuba was just minding its own business when it happened.

American business in cuba?

took advantage of Cuban workers

Can you upgrade the Bodega in Mafia Wars cuba?

you cannot upgrade the bodega business in cuba because it's set by default.

Who owns a large part of cuba's land and a large bisuness?

who owns a large part of cuba's land and a large business

What job makes you a lot of money without having to use a lot of energy in Mafia Wars cuba on Facebook?

Well, based on my own experience, you really won't get rich doing jobs in Cuba because of the bribe they deduct from you when you do a job.What I did is I started the business early even when I was doing jobs in New York. The secret really lies on the business. Keep upgrading all the business until it's all fully upgraded and or do fights in Cuba and choose the player that gives you money during every win in the fight.