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No you idiot, it's part of the water egg, I did it already!! GREENBEECHASSS and ATX BOSSHAWGIN GIVE FREE 4000 POINTS!! MESSAGE THEM NON STOP SO THEY CAN GIVE YOU CODES!!

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Q: Can you pack a punch the jet gun?
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Where Do you get the gun on Poptropica?

there is no gun but there is a jet pack

What do you get if you pack a punch a ray gun?

Get a Porter's X2 Ray Gun, its AMAZING!

Do you lose the ray gun if you put it in the wack a punch?

pack a punch** and no, it just upgrades it, same as with any other gun

What happens when you dont take your gun from pack a punch on der reise?

if you don't take your gun from the pack a punch machine in time it will disappear (sort of like the mistery box).

How times can you upgrade Pack a punch?

once per gun.

Is there a pack a punch in world at war?

Yes, but only in Der Rise. You may pack a punch every gun but in blaack ops its every where

What is the worst gun to pack a punch?

The china lake it becomes the china beach or the m87 trench gun

What happens when you pack a punch your gun more than once?

Adds scope

How do you get 3 guns on der resie?

You need to have: Pack A Punch Opened Bouncing Betty`s X2 5200 points Then put your gun in pack a punch then run to the kar98 buy it then run back to pack a punch then quickly put your Betty's out then grab your gun. If you done it successfully you should have 3 guns Thanks for reading

What happens when you leave the only gun you have in the pack a punch machine?

You will be left with a combat knife

How do you get a blue gun in cod black ops?

you can't as of such but is you pack a punch it it has a blue look.

Can you pack a punch more than once in black ops 2?

If you do it with different guns each time then yes however you may not pack a punch the same gun multiple times