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This is a hot topic--you may remember Shepard Fairey's iconic "Hope" poster, which sparked a copyright feud. While this is still in the national consciousness, it would be wise to get permission.

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Q: Can you paint a portrait from someones photograph legally?
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How can I paint a celebrity without making copyright violation?

Painting a portrait is typically not infringing, unless the portrait is clearly a derivative of an existing work, such as a photograph.

Where can someone go to get a miniature portrait painted?

There are a number of companies and individuals that offer to paint miniature portraits, either from a live sitting or from a photograph. Some of these include Portrait Painting and Nick Offer Portraits.

Can you paint on a photograph and what type of paint should you use?

You can paint on a photograph. Normal acrylic would work.

Why did Leonardo paint realistic?

Realistic paintings were the style and a necessity back then because there were no photographs. Once photograph was invented and became popular, it replaced the necessity to portrait something exactly as is and that freed up artists to paint things in other ways.

Did Luke paint a portrait of Mary mother of Jesus?

Tradition says that Luke did paint a portrait of Mary.

Do you need permission to paint portraits of major league baseball players?

You are allowed to take a photograph of ANYTHING in a public place. YOU may also be able to take a photograph of something in a private place if YOU are doing so from a public place - but there are expectation of privacy limits that YOU may violate) So - if YOU are painting a portrait of anyone based on YOU seeing that person in a public place - yes - you can do it. (Example - if you took a photograph of that player walking in public - and then painted the picture based on YOUR OWN photograph) However - if YOU are painting that portrait based on Published photographs or video images (say as on tv or in a movie) - THOSE images are copyrighted and you cannot legally use them as a source without the permission of the copyright holder. Now - what you may DO with that picture or painting is another story

Why did John Decker paint a self portrait of the famous artist Anthony Quinn?

No artist can paint a self portrait of someone else.

What can be the sentence of the word portrait?

Please sit still, while I paint your portrait.

Did Renoir paint Chagall?

You mean a portrait of Chagall? No, no such portrait seems to exist.

How did da vinci get to paint mona Lisa?

He was commissioned by her husband to paint the portrait.

Why did Chuck Close chose to paint a portrait of bob?

it is a portrait of his friends, Robert. He normally likes to paint paintings of his family,friends realiteves e.t.c

Description of a self-portrait?

It means you paint your own portrait, usually seeing your face in a mirror.