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no but u can mess it up with vingear

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Q: Can you pass urine test with just water?
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Yes .. To pass a test just drink 2 gallons of water a day for 4 days . You should pass your drug test .

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Depends on what kind of urine

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If you don't do drugs, you will pass the urine test.

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No. The drug is in your fat and hair cells.

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about 48 hours. just drink plenty of water

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How do you pass urine test after use of oxycodene?

just lay off it for a couple days before test.

How do you pass a urine test for adderall in 7 days?

drink loads of water and flush it out

If you drink 1 gallon of water and then have a urine test in the nest 48 hours will you pass?

This is not a guaranteed method . Drinking water will dilute your sample possible allowing it to dive below the level you need to get to pass the test. It will also cause your urine to become very clear and labs will be able to tell that you have been trying to flush your system. Labs check for gravity, pH, creatin levels, etc (home test can not) so if you diluted your urine you can pass a home test , but not a Lab (will show dilution which is just like failing the test).