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Yes, you can pass kits from one mother to the next, (this is called fostering) but you must make sure that the mother you are passing the kits to has been pregnant and has had her kits close to the time the faulty mother had hers. The foster mother must also have enough teats for all of the kits(rabbits usually have 8 teats). If the kits are plump, warm and lively, there should be no reason to foster them off. Rub some of the foster mother's nesting fur on the kits to get her smell on them, and put them in her nestbox with the other kits. If the foster mother accepts them, they should be plump, warm to the touch, and have no trouble moving. If, however, the foster mother does not accept them, you can try to dab a very small amount of vanilla extract on their head and rump.

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Q: Can you pass your rabbits kits to another rabbit?
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Can rabbit get pregnant twice?

The rabbit has 2 uterine horns, leading to the urban myth a rabbit can be pregnant with 2 litters. This is not actually the case. In extremely rare cases, while a rabbit is pregnant the 2nd Horn can become fertilized, however this will not lead to a 2nd litter. It will actually create a hormonal imbalance and cause the babies in both uteri to not form right, causing her to pass blobs instead of babies at the date of kindling. There is also a chance these "mummified" blobs could cause complications leading to the death of the doe.

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All the rabbits would become blind due to Vitamin Adeficiency.

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Only the leaves. Although they like the entire broccoli, broccoli causes them to build up gas, and rabbits are unable to pass gas. So eventually the gasses build up in their stomach and may kill the rabbit.

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Rabbits reproduce so fast because their genetics tell them to. Not only do rabbits breed in large numbers but their gestation period is very short.

When does a rabbit have its last litter?

Technically there is no age where a female rabbit could stop getting pregnant. However, older rabbits may have very high infant death rates, or they might die before they are born. Sadly an older rabbit who becomes pregnant might pass away herself because it is too stressful for her to handle.

Can you feed your rabbit steamed broccoli?

It is not recommended to feed rabbits cooked food. There are many health benefits to fresh food. Fresh broccoli, especially the greens, is very healthy for rabbits, although the stem and florets sometimes cause gas (which can be painful, and actually life-threatening!), so it's a good idea to observe your rabbit closely after she's eaten broccoli, and not to serve very much (some rabbits are more sensitive than others). See the related question below for more details and helpful links about the rabbit diet.

How many times can rabbits fart?

yes, rabbits and bunnies can pass gas. Almost all animals can! Worms cannot, though I cannot think of any other animals that dont pass gas. Some animals pass gas out of their mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!! I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you stop your cat from eating rabbits?

actually from my recent studies i think that rabbits dont like to eat any pointy or sharp cactuses! My rabbits have taken to eating Nopal, which is unfortunate, as they're green an edible as they come from the ground, so a rabbit can disconnect an entire 10ft tree from the ground in 5 minutes. Definitely not one to grow if you have rabbits.

This is my rabbits first litter and she had six kits I have taken away the male is there anymore info you could give me?

1. make sure they are in a proper nesting box 2. give her extra food 3. check the kits every day to make sure they full tummies 4. Sometimes there are runts or peanuts in the litter, they will..."pass away", you can try force feeding them but it might not work

Why would my rabbit dig a great burrow and then perfectly refilled it overnight?

you rabbit was just trying to pass the time! :)

Are rabbits used as therapy animals in America?

They can be. There are certain training that they have to pass though.