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Because you can't be sure when you ovulate, you can't count on planning the timing of pregnancy precisely by using Birth Control pills. If you want to get pregnant, stop the pill.

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yes but it is not very common. The best way to not get pregnant is to double up on protection by using birth control and condoms.

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Q: Can I be pregnant using birth control?
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What do you need to do to get pregnant and you are on birth control?

If you wanna get pregnant, just stop using any form of birth control.

Is it easy to get pregnant in the second month of using birth control on non-oral contraceptives?

It's never easy to get pregnant using effective birth control.

Should you take your birth control patch off daily if you want to get pregnant?

If you want to get pregnant, you should stop using the birth control patch altogether.

NOT on birth control can you still get pregnant?

Of Course!!! If you are not using any form of protection, you definitely can get pregnant!

How can you not get pregnant but not using a condom?

Birth control pills are quite effective.

Is birth control effective at preventing pregnancy?

it is effective to a point..but not always. you can still get pregnant using birth control. its a big preventor of pregnancy but its still possible to get pregnant.

It is easy to become pregnant if you have been on birth control for several years?

If you are using your birth control as directed, there should be a very small chance of getting pregnant. I'm not sure if the length of time you've been on birth control matters, but if you are inconsistent when it comes to taking/using it, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases at least a little. It really depends on your form of birth control.

Can sperm get you pregnant while on birth control?

Yes. However you decrease the chances by taking your birth control correctly and by using condoms.

How do non married people get pregnant?

Just like married people -- they have sex without using birth control or their birth control fails.

Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you take off the birth control patch?

Yes, if you stop using the patch as directed, you could get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant with the take out method with out birth control?

Yes. The pull out method is not recognized as an effective form of birth control. It has a 27% failure rate and a woman can become pregnant from pre-cum.If you do not wish to become pregnant I highly recommend using a condom and/or an effective form of birth control.