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Q: Can you play as Kit Fisto on Star Wars clone wars republic heroes?
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What are the release dates for Star Wars The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes - 2009 VG?

Star Wars The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes - 2009 VG was released on: USA: 6 October 2009

Are you able to use Yoda in star wars the clone wars republic heroes?

No, Yoda is not a playable character in Republic Heroes.

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It depends on what star wars the clone wars you mean.

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Star Wars The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes - 2009 VG is rated/received certificates of: UK:12 USA:T

When Is star wars the clone wars republic heroes coming out?

September 15,2009

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How much do Star Wars the clone wars republic heroes cost?

About $54.00 at Target.

When will Star Wars the Clone Wars Republic Heroes come out?

9th of october in the uk