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Min fadlak monkin inta tegy maaya ly il bank?

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Q: Can you please come with you to the bank when translated from English to Arabic?
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Sparka is a German abbreviation (based on syllables) for Sparkasse - savings bank.

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Yes, Amazon will accept money from a bank account even if it is an Arabic bank as long as the funds are available.

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Banca, banco, and sponda are literal Italian equivalents of the English word "bank." They respectively reference "bank" as a financial institution; a cloud mass or gambling house; and riverside. The respective pronunciations will be "BAN-ka," "BAN-ko," and "SPON-da" in Italian.

أنا أريد الاتصال ببنك باركليز PLC?

The Arabic in the question translates into English as: I want to contact Barclays Bank PLC. You can find your nearest Barclays Bank in the telephone book, in whichever country you are in. Or look on the Barclays Bank website on the internet.

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"Savings bank" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Cassa di Risparmio. The feminine singular noun, preposition, and masculine singular noun literally translates into English as "bank of savings." The pronunciation will be "KAS-sa dee ree-SPAR-myo" in Italian.

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"Hostel" and "inn" are English equivalents of the French word auberge. The feminine singular noun translates literally into English as "at (to) the bank (embankment, riverbank)." The pronunciation will be "o-berzh" in French.

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