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The recommended treatment would be to go to a gynecologist and have them take it out under local anesthesia. You could pop one with a sterile needle at home, but that does not guarantee that you won't get an infection or that the cyst won't return.

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Q: Can you pop a bartholin cyst with a sterile pin?
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Just like a a normal pimple u take ur fingers than push together on the cyst. I have a cyst on my cheek it is really irritaiting, but, i used a normal sowing pin,disinfected it with rubbing alchahol then gave it a poke, nothing my cyst is covered wotg really thick slin so i guess that juss me but if u pop your cyst then u should get all the blood and puss out then apply neosporin followed with a bandage and everything should be better from there

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I have on as well. According to my doctor popping it will reduce the swell for a while but the only way to get it fully removed is a surgery. For now after I pop it I just put salt on it because it disinfects and reduces the swell a little.

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get a pin and pop it ! ;D

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attach a pin to your butt lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!