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Q: Can you pray for a sick child of Jehovah's Witness parents?
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What are the disadvantages of having a child when you are a teenager?

There are no disadvantages. Respect and love your parents and remember to pray.

What relegion is Selena q?

her parents were jehovah witness. and she grew up in a family of jehovah witness. i don't believe she practiced it much after her career started but she did pray and all that good Church stuff so i guess she was jehovah witness.

How chistians and jehova witnesses pray together?

The christian would pray for the Jehovah witness to be saved.

What happened at Nazareth during the time of christ?

Christians believe that Jesus grew up in Nazareth.

What are the 4 things that the parents can do to show their appreciation to god for the gift of a child?

You can pray to God and thank him. He is looking over you and he know how you're feeling.

Did Hannah pray for a child?

no she pray for a son, of GOD choosing

How can you help your depressed parents?

Pray for them.

Who is a saint to pray to when your child has been murdered?

There are no patron saints of parents with murdered children. However, there are patrons of parents separated from children. I am sure that either one would listen to your prayers.Jeanne de ChantalMarie of the Incarnation

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How can godparents look after a child's faith?

The primary duty of a Godparent is to step in if the parents should be unable to fulfill their duty of raising the child in the faith, so if the parents are doing their job, your job as Godparent is easy - send presents and cards at the appropriate times, and pray for the child constantly. That being said, you should always be modeling the behavior of a good Christian for the child, and when you are with them, do not hesitate to teach, again, primarily be example. If the parents are doing their jobs, about the most you can do is talk with the parents and ask how you can be of help. If the parents are not doing their job, then a serious discussion with your priest is in order to see what you should be doing.

Why have godparents?

Children get so many good qualities such as compassion, tolerance, kindness, gentleness, and affection from their grandparents. Reference Role Of Grandparents In Children's Upbringing Children's Park North Blogspot

Why did the Greeks pray to Artemis?

They prayed to Artemis when they were going to war and/or hunting (becuase she was Goddess of The Hunt). They would also pray to her for a healthy child and a sucsessful birth (as she was the Goddess of child birth as well)