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No.Self-induced abortion in the US is a crime. Additionally, and a minor point, but if you are pregnant, you cannot avoid pregnancy.

If you find that you are pregnant, and you do not want to be, you have one option (depending on where you live), and that is a legally recognized abortion. Contact your local office of Planned Parenthood for further information.

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Q: Can you provide me some names of the medicine to avoid pregnancy after a month?
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What medicine is avoid pragency after 1 month?

You can't avoid pregnancy once you are pregnant but you can have an abortion. Up to the 9th week you can have a medical abortion and after that a surgical. You have to contact your doctor to get the medication, it's on prescription.

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How can you remove one month pregnancy without using medicine?Read more:How_can_you_remove_one_month_pregnancy_without_using_medicine

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before you ask a question do spell chech Medicine hahaha Dumb A$$

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Avoid pregnancy while taking misoprostol and for at least one month or one completed menstrual cycle after you have stopped treatment. Misprost is used to prevent ulcers, not pregnancy.

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No and I don't see why you would. From now on ask your doctor about any medicine you feel you need during pregnancy.

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Up top the 9th week Mifepristone will kill the embryo and end the pregnancy but you need Misoprostol to clean out the uterus from the remains.

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