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Sure, as long as they are willing to sign the applications. If you are the one that would wind up having to pay for their funeral than they should! 4lifeguild

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Q: Can you purchace life insurance on your parents?
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Can you put life insurance on your parents?

If they are elderly parents, Yes. But if you are under 40 you cannot put life insurance on your parents.

How to insure your parents with life insurance?

Call a licensed life insurance agent

Is life insurance recommended for single parents?

Life insurance is even more important for single parents as they are likely the sole provider for their child(ren). Life insurance would help provide for them if something happened to the parent.

Where is a good place to purchase pet health insurance?

I believe you know what pet health insurance is. But you have confusion about where is the best place to purchace insurance. I personally recommend PD insurance as a better place to purchace insurance.

What life insurance options are there that are affordable?

Liberty Mutual and Colonial Penn offer affordable life insurance for anyone over the age of fifty. Call them to recieve a quote on life insurance for your parents.

Does a child need life insurance?

There are quite a few benefits of having life insurance on a child. Beyond the obvious (life insurance benefit) there are other reasons why parents get life insurance policies for their children: cash accumulation for college funds for example.

Can i put life insurance on my parents beens they don't have any?


Did your parents have life insurance?

My sister said my mom had life insuranc through met life and her and my dad spent that already and now my dad is deceased and wonder if there is life insurance policy on him.

How to Save on Life Insurance?

Life insurance is typically obtained in order to provide monetary security for the family when an individual passes on. The most critical time period is the years parents spend raising their children. Once the kids go to college, the need for life insurance is not as imperative. Whole or term life insurance are the main types of life insurance available. By choosing term life insurance for a set number of years instead of whole life insurance, hundreds of dollars could be saved. The critical period would be covered, giving parents peace of mind.

What rights do you have over a life insurance policy taken out by your parents while you were an adult?

If your parents took out a life insurance policy and paid for it, the policy belongs to them and even if you are the person whose life is insured, that does not give you rights over that policy. I am not entirely sure why your parents would feel the need to have life insurance for their adult progeny, but possibly they are concerned that if you were to suffer a tragic premature death, they would be stuck with funeral expenses that they could not afford to pay unless they had an insurance policy to help them.

Do you have a insurance policy with met life?

my parents had an insurance for me when i was a child. how do i find out if their is a policy out there . i don't want to contact Met life, i want to see if i could find out on-line

Is there an age requirement for paintball in MO?

You must be 18 to play by yourself or purchace guns or equipment. You can play at 11 with a parents signature.