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I live in Belgium, so I can say "Belgium' with certainty.

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12y ago

Codeine related products such as some painkillers that are over the counter contain some amount of codeine. However to buy it on it's own it is prescription only.

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Q: What European countries sell codeine without prescription?
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Does midol have codeine in it?

No medications bought over the counter, meaning without a prescription, contain codeine. Codeine is a controlled substance and any medication containing it must have a doctor's written order. It is possible for Midol to have codeine in prescription strength but I have not heard of it.

In what state is Tylenol with Codeine legal?

In certain countries, such as Canada, you can purchase Tylenol 1 (with 8 mg codeine) over the counter. However, codeine is not allowed in the United States without a prescription. To purchase, own, or take codeine products that were not prescribed to you by a doctor would be illegal in the United States, even if purchased elsewhere. However, if they were purchased with a proper prescription and taken as indicated, they are legal anywhere in the US, as long as they are only being taken by the person they were prescribed to.

How do you get codeine syrup for purple drank under age without a prescription in Canada?

It is not possible to get codeine syrup to make Purple Drank if you are underage anywhere, including Canada. Codeine syrup is sold by prescription only and a person over age 18 must pick it up at a pharmacy.

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Morphine is a prescription and controlled drug.which countries is Morphine available without prescription

Can you buy robutussin ac at the store?

Robutussin AC requires a doctor's prescription because it contains codeine. It can be purchased at most store pharmacies... but not without the prescription.

Do Ibuprofen have codeine sulfur pencill?

Ibuprofen is an over the counter (OTC) pain medication. That means you can buy it without a prescription. Codeine is a prescription medication in the United States. In the prescription medication Vicoprofen, Ibuprofen is combined with hydrocodone, which is a synthetic codeine (the prescription medicine found in Vicoden). Sulfa and penicillin are another class of medication altogether and would not be combined with Ibuprofen. That's not to say you cannot take them together if your Doctor prescribes them.

Can you buy tablets containing codeine without a prescription in Canadian Pharmacies?

No, this would be illegal. If you feel you need this medication, please consult your physician.

Does lactulose require a prescription?

It is over the counter in the US and in Canada. Cannot vouch for other countries.

Where can I buy Codeine Promethazine from?

Codeine is rarely available over the counter. Some areas may allow the sale of a combination of Codeine and Promethazine over the counter. However, because of the strength and addictive qualities of codeine, you will have a hard time finding a pharmacist willing to carry it without a prescription. No place in the US . All control drugs off the shelf by 1960 , and now you must sign for cold pills.

Can you buy tablets containing codeine without a prescription in US Pharmacies?

You cannot buy codeine without a prescription in the U.S. but you can buy it in Canada and the UK over the counter. There may be other European countries but Im not sure which ones. You could probably get it in Mexico as well.

What type of steroids can you buy in stores?

It's illegal to buy them from stores or drug stores without prescription. Altough there are countries where steroids are sold without a prescription.

What is the strength of co-codamol that can be bought inthe UK without prescription?

co-codamol can be bought over the counter in the UK the strength = 8mg codeine, 500mg paracetamol In Israel it is available OTC in 10mg codeine, 500mg paracetamol,