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No! You can't even touch the baby hamster before it's AT LEAST three weeks old. If you wear gloves to put the 2 week hamster with their dad, the smell still gets on the baby. If you do magically not get your scent on the baby hamster, the dad will eat the baby ANYWAY because it is too young.

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12y ago
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14y ago

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dad will eat the babys

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12y ago

After 4 weeks the baby hamsters get sexually mature. So you MUST separate the males and females. Also hamsters live individually in wildlife And it wont be a good idea to keep them together.

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13y ago

Yes you can but once the babies start to get bigger, there will start to be a spacial and a territorial issue. That is when you should probably take them out.

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12y ago

I would never try to place baby hamsters with their father. He would see them as rivals and would fight with them and maybe even kill them.

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Q: Can you put 14 day old baby hamsters in the a cage with their daddy?
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Should there always be a bottle of clean water in the hamsters cage?

Yes, there should. A hamsters water needs changing every day.

Why does baby hamsters eyes open the one day and the next days its close?

As far as I'm concerned, baby hamsters should NOT do this!

What is a hamsters pregnancy period?

Well, one day i woke and i looked in my hamsters cage and i saw red every were. I thought it could be that maybe my hamster is ready to mate.

How can you tell if myhamster doesn't like her cage does the hamster do weird things does the hamster bite the cage does he not like sleep in the middle of the day like hamsters are supposed to do?

Well, lots of hamsters bite their cages, they do that because they need something to chew on, to wear down their teeth or maybe they arehungry. Do you have a proper place for he/she to sleep? In the cage is there an exercise wheel? To loose energy? I don't think hamsters are picky about their cages. If you change the surroundings/cage all of a sudden, He/she might not sleep for a couple of days. I changed my hamsters cage when she was 6 months and it took her 3 days before she would sleep and now a week later she is fine and eating/drinking well.

Are teddy bear hamsters loving?

yes if you hold them since they were a baby every day 1 hour

How do you feed a hamster?

You have to get place a bowl of food in the hamsters cage. Clean every other day and make you sure you leave it somewhere accessible to the hamster.

What will happien if you hold a baby guinea pig to early?

guinea pigs are not tlike hamsters after a day or too you can hold on hamsters will eat their young but guinea pigs wont

Hamsterz life 2 how to get a baby?

You need a male and female hamster which you can purchase at the pet shop. I think that Golden hamsters (the big hamsters) and the Dwarf Hamsters (the small hamsters) will not breed <YES THEY WILL, MINE JUST DID>. Anyways you will have to partner them, transfer them to the same cage, after that you will partner them you can do this by tapping the partner button. Make sure the two hamsters like each other, you will know because the hamsters will push each other over (playfully). If the hamsters push each other over and lightning bolts show (that means they don't really like each other)<IT DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY LIKE EACH OTHER OR NOT, THEY GET OVER IT>. People say to transfer the hamsters to the same cage, charge your DS, and over night or all day leave your hamsters in the SAME CAGE. Make sure your DS is charging! When you wake up go to the pet shop and chat with the employees, they will then tell you if your hamster is pregnant, follow their directions and your done! All you need to do now Is wait a few days (7-10) and the babies will be born. to have there baby quicker save the game turn it off and then change the date 10 days later {just to be sure} turn it off go on to hamster 2 and choose your pregnant hamster and ta DA you have a baby hamster have fun <IF YOU DONT LIKE THE BABY HAMSTERS COLOR TURN IT OFF WITHOUT SAVING TO GET A DIFF. COLOR!> i turned off my ds 15 times and got a star hamster!! YAY THANK YOU PERSON WITH THE COMMENTS ;D

How much room does your Syrian hamster need?

Well hamsters can never have too much room but they can have too little. The smallest for two hamsters is one big cage. After that you can keep adding on, I have two roborovski dwarf hamsters and i attached two cages together and they love it, and they are small hamsters. Hope this info comes in handy

What is Uma Thurman's joke in Pulp Fiction?

The joke is as follows:" One day there were three tomatoes walking down the street, a mama tomato, a daddy tomato and a baby tomato. Baby tomato is walking too slowly, so the daddy tomato goes back, steps on him and says 'ketchup!' "

If your hamster gave birth to two hamsters and the other day one fell out of the cage and you picked it up with socks on your hands and put it back in the cage was that the right thing to do?

Yes, don't worry, this was the right thing to do. I have bred hamsters many times and I know that after about 2-3 days of giving birth the female will let you clean the cage and pick up the hamsters etc. They are less protective than guinea pigs which will reject their babies if they have a human smell on them. But, just watch the babies to be sure.

What are a hamsters daily needs?

First of all, Hamsters like to run on wheels during the night or day. but you also have to re-fill your hamsters food bowl everyday. Also every one or two days make sure to change or re-fill your hamsters water. And of course clean out your hamster cage at least once a week.