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Q: Can you put a fence up on city owned first ten feet of your property?
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How close can you put a fence to your property line in North Carolina?

It depends on what city you live in or what county you live in. The city has different ordinances then the county. Living in the city of Elizabeth City, NC the fence can be put on the property line but the owners of the fence need to maintain the other side of their fence.

In a garden who owns which side to walls and fences?

If the walls or fence is within the property line of the owner, both sides are owned by the property owner. Depending on your city codes, in fla.... it has to be on the owners side of 6 inches. Some states... if it's placed over onto your side, they have to move it, or I believe it becomes yours. Finished side of fence has to face neighbor's yard.

Can planting be placed right next to a neighbors fence?

If the plants are on your property they may be planted along your neighbors fence. However, climbing plants that will grow over the fence cannot be planted along your neighbors fence. Caveat: Make sure your neighbor has not installed the fence "inside" their property line so it lies a short distance FROM the property line. That is the practice in some areas and is required by the city ordinances in some areas. In that case, the land along the fence would belong to your neighbor. You need to determine where the property line is located and not assume the fence is on the property line.

Will a fence around the property be enough for a home with a swimming pool or will a separate fence be necessary?

That depends upon the laws in your community. Call the health department in your city for that info.

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When a neighbor has a fence and has changed the landscaping that is encroached on property can neighbor be made to take down fence and put property back the way it was?

Yes, if you go to the district attorney or building commissioner in your city you can make them put the property back the way it was. Be aware that this may cause problems with your neighbors.

Can land leased for construction of shops and dwelling houses be termed as public property?

"Public property" usually refers to property owned by the city, county, state or federal governments. This is different from property, "To which the public is invited" (e.g.: shopping malls, privatel;y owned shops and stores, bars, theaters, etc, etc.). Unless the land in question is owned by the taxpayers, it cannot be 'public property.'

Can you file a lien on city property in ca?

If the court issues a judgment lien in your favor then you can record it in the land records. However, if you want to obtain a lien on "city-owned" property it is unlikely that you will prevail in court.

Why would a city oppose a purchase of a property?

You haven't provided enough detail. There are several reasons a city may oppose a purchase of a property:The city may want the property to remain undeveloped.The property may abut other property owned by the city and the city wants to acquire it.The property may need extensive rehabilitation and the city doesn't think the proposed buyer has adequate resources to do a thorough rehab.The city may want to set aside the property as conservation land.

Who owns San Jose?

The city of San Jose is owned by the people who live there. The mission is state parks property.

Can you adversely possess property owned by a City in Oregon?

No. Don't forget governmental entities have the right of eminent domain.

Can neighbor use fence on your property?

If a neighbor wanted to install a fence the fence has to be on the neighbors property entirely. Not half the fence on your side and half on the neighbors side. There are also zoning regulations that deal with issues like this. Some counties will not allow a fence to be over five feet tall and they have to be constructed using only approved materials. I know that in my neighborhood metal fences are against code and they can only be constructed using fence block. If I were you I would call the city planning office and ask them, they will have a definitive answer. Who knows, maybe the fence was put up without the proper permits and your neighbor has to take the entire thing down.