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No, do not do that, it will kill the babies and distress the mother hamster. The babies will be born when they are ready. If you think there is something wrong with your hamster please take it to see an animal doctor (A Vet) to get it help.

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Q: Can you put a preagnent hamster in water a make the babies come out?
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What part of the hamster do babies come out from?

they will have to have a seasection cut her open to get the babies out

Should I buy your dwarf hamster a hamster friend or not?

They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.

Is the water supposed to come out of a hamster's water bottle?

yes! if no water came out, the hamster can die

What happens if you drop your hamster when she pregnant?

nothing should effect the pregnancy of the hamster. the babies will come out and be just fine but don't touch the babies until they have fur or the mother will kill them

If your hamster is pregnant how will she act?

The closer it gets to her having the babies she will start making a nest for the new babies and hiding food so she can stay with the babies and not have to come out.

Where do warm water currents originate and where do babies come from?

Warm water currents come from the equator and babies come from vaginas.

Where is mostly the hamster?

the hamster is normaly mostly in its bed but at night time it will come out to play and get food and water.(thats the best time to hold them).

During the birth process how far apart are hamster babies born?

Its unpredictable, after her first it might take her 3 minutes for the next baby to come out, or seconds.

Where does Young blood must have its course come from?

Charles Kingsley, The Water Babies

Your hamster just had her babies 2 days ago and she is leaving them alone is that ok?

no the mother of the babies should be with them almost all the time so that she can feed and care for them to make sure there ok the only reasons she should come out of the nest is to eat or drink

Do babies come from a field of babies?

No, they come from women who give birth to them. Ask your mother where babies come from.

What do you do if you have a squirmy hamster?

the best way to introduce your hamster to handling is to let them come to your hand. if you were a hamster you wouldn't want to be grabbed! show that you are not a threat by putting your hand in the cage near the hamster without touching it and slowly moving it away from the hamster. this way your hamster is more likely to come to your hand. avoid quick movements as this will scare your hamster. when your hamster has had enough leave it or it wont come out when you are there. though it may take time, your hamster will gradualy get used to your hand and wont mind being held! i am in the process of taming my fourth hamster at the moment! hope i helped!