

Can you put apples in your soil?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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If you are trying to grow and apple tree, no, but for compost purposes, yes.

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Q: Can you put apples in your soil?
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How do you put 9 apples in 4 paper bags and have odd numbers of apples in each bag?

I put one apple in one bag and 2 apples in the other one then I put them in each others so they have 3 apples I still have 6 apples i divide them 3 apples 3 apples in each :)

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What soil conditions are required for an apple orchard?

Apples will grow well in many different soil types, but they will do best if the pH level is right for them. Apples like a slightly acidic soil, so a pH level around 6.5 is ideal.

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yes, Because it absorb the nutrients on its soil,

Can apples put weight on you?

No ...............

Can you put soil in compost?

Yes, you can put soil in compost. But try to use soft soil not hard rocky soil

Do you put pure lemon juice on apples to keep fresh?

You can put lemon juice on cut apples to prevent them going brown, however whole apples are best just stored dry

What is the difference between organic apples and un-organic apples?

Organic apples aren't sprayed with pesticides/ herbicides, grown using chemical fertilizers in the soil, and are non-GMO (non genetically modified)

I can apple fruit put in the freege?

Yes you can put apples in the fridge.