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So long as those baby rats are all boys, yes, but it should be taken slowly, as some adult males will kill baby rats.

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Q: Can you put baby rats in cage with the father after they are separated from their mother?
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Why do you separate the baby hamster at 3 weeks old?

After the baby hamster is old enough, it no longer needs its mother and starts to become an adult hamster of its own. The hamster needs to be separated to avoid fighting or mating with its mother, or even its father if he resides in the cage still, depending on the sex of the baby hamster.

Should the mother and father rabbit be in the same cage all the time or should they be separated?

Male and female rabbits should always be separated except if you are wanting to breed them.

When can you put the baby bunnies in the cage with their father?

DO TOUCH THE BABIES... the mother has the potential to care for them if she feels the love by you. So please just touch the mother and help her do her job.

How long do you separate the male hamster from the female during birth?

Once my two hamsters had babies, I separated the father from the mother permanently, because if you put the babies and the father together, the father could kill the babies because he thinks they will challenge him for leader of the cage.

Can you put the male baby hamsters in a separate cage after there weaned or can they stay with the father?

they they can stay with their father

Your guinea pig had a baby is it okay to keep her former female cage partner in the same cage as them?

Yes,you can keep her female cagemate with her unless the cage mate tries to harm the baby.If she does that you will have to keep them separated at least unti the baby is older.

Can all baby hamsters stay in the same cage?

most should my hamster had a baby and all of them lived

What happens if you hold or touch a baby hamster when it is 12 days old?

if you touched it by hand then you will then have to take care of it yourself because the mom will reject it or eat it. to take care of it you will need a separate cage or something to keep it in. you will have to make hamster formula(i do not know how to make that.)keep it warm check on it every few hours. after you've made the formula you will have to put it into a small low wall bowl for the baby and refresh it everyday the baby will need your help to survive on its own until it is 2 weeks old. you will have to treat it like it is your own baby and make sure nothing is wrong with it.once the baby is then 2 weeks old. you will have to take the other babies from the mother and put them into a different cage from the mother the babies can go into the same cage for a while. but the cage will have to be big like a ferret cage. what you will have to do with the baby you have been taking care of is get a small box of the mothers bedding and rub the baby all in it and then put it into the new cage with the other babies. you have to do this so that the other babies don't attack it. this will make the baby smell like it cam from the mothers cage so the babies will think that it had been in the mothers cage the whole time.

Can baby girl hamsters stay in the same cage as the mom when the baby's are separated?

Yes, the babies will die if you take them away from the mother. They need her to nurse them and keep them warm. There is a small chance that the mother will kill the babies if she is stressed. Keep the cage somewhere without a lot of noise or traffic. Do not mess with the mom or the babies outside of regular maintenance until the babies eyes are open, and they are able to get around a bit on their own.

What do you do if your hamster forgets one of her babies out of her house?

if she keeps the baby out of her house it probably means she doesn't want it. so you have to keep the baby in its own small cage and keep it warm cos if it stays in the cage with its mother the mother will eat it.

How old do baby hamsters need to be to introduce them to their father?

They should be 6 weeks or older, but the father should be in a cage so that they won't fight or mate. The father's child should be outside of the cage. ~ I hoped this helped you out!(:

Should you keep the boy hamster in the cage with the mother after birth?

no... ..female is very protective of her young and will beat up on the male. They should be separated after the mother gives birth.