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Q: Can you put grass seeds over seeds that's been planted a week?
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Related questions

How are plant seeds different from seeds?

seeds are smiler then plants because they haven't been planted yet

Can sunflower seeds from the grocery store be planted?

No they have been processed for selling.

Can frost harm ungerminated seeds that have been planted?

no because the seeds are underground and the dirt is covering the seed

Where does a watermelon live?

A watermelon lives in a warm area where watermelon seeds have been planted.

Is popcorn alive?

Not once it has been dried. Popcorn is a type of grass and grows very tall. The ears of corn contain the seeds of the plant. They can be removed from the plant and planted to make more corn plants. Once it has been dried, it is no longer living and is 'dead.'

How do you make seeds on minecraft PE?

It depends what you mean by 'Seeds'. If you mean 'Plant' Seeds, then break grass and you should get them, unless they havent been added to the game yet. If you mean world seeds, I think there is probably an app.

When do you use 'having been'?

Have been is the past tense of 'are' or 'are being'. Your parcels have been sent to you. The seeds you gave me have been planted. My dogs have been asleep.

Is a plant pollinated before it is planted?

No, plants are not usually pollinated before they are planted. They survive transplantation best when they are dormant, not when they are in flower. The purpose of pollination is to produce seeds, and this is not the purpose of transplantations.

What are some innovative ways of planting 1 million grass seeds?

If you're familiar with the Metal Storm weapons system, it has been suggested that it could be used for things such as the dispersal of seeds.

Beautiful Bermuda Grass?

Bermuda Grass is a type of grass that is popular among homeowners and lawn enthusiasts. Bermuda Grass is a strong, resilient type of grass that is popular on the West Coast and also in the Southern United States. Bermuda Grass is often used on sports and athletic fields because it is very tough and can take a lot of abuse. However, for the Bermuda grass to be resilient it needs lots of maintenance and care. Most lawn and garden enthusiasts will buy Bermuda Grass seeds and spread then throughout the plot of land. Water must be applied to the Bermuda Grass seeds right after the seeds have been spread out on the ground. Watering right after the seeds have been applied to the lawn will guarantee that the seeds mix correctly with the soil. The best time to apply Bermuda Grass seeds is before the fall months. Application during the warmer months will give the seeds enough time to grow and mix correctly with soil before the soil goes dormant for the cold winter months. The best way to spread Bermuda grass seeds to purchase or rent a seed spreader. A seed spreader will evenly apply the seeds and make sure every inch of the lawn has been covered with seeds. To grow correctly Bermuda Grass needs lots of sunlight and requires water frequently throughout the day. It is also recommended that the homeowner use some type of fertilizer to help support and nurture the Bermuda Grass. Using fertilizer on Bermuda Grass will help the grass spread throughout the yard and become strong and resistant to harsh weather that the lawn will have to endure during the hot summer months. Spreading fertilizer on the Bermuda grass is important to do in June, July and August, because this is when Bermuda Grass takes the most abuse from the hot climate and sun. With the correct amount of maintenance and fertilization application Bermuda Grass will be able to survive the extreme heat, humidity, and lack of water. To maintain Bermuda Grass is recommended that the homeowner use a lawnmower and cut the grass short. This keeps the grass short and the blades strong.

How do vegetables make more vegetables?

Vegetables cannot reproduce themselves, so we get them from the seeds that have been planted and watered into the ground. Over time, they become the vegetables that we see in the supermarket.

Desert rose that produce seed pods Gather the seeds when the pod broke open. Planted the seeds and covered the pot with plastic sheet. Nothing happen with the seeds. Been a month?

how long does it take for a Desert Rose toproduce seeds? The seeds can germinate sporadically over a long period, they are notorious for this. It also depends if yours is a hybrid variety, come of the "newer" cultivar's are sterile.