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yes. piezzo pickups collect the vibration from the bridge.

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Q: Can you put gut strings on an electric bass that has a piezo pickup?
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Related questions

How do electric bass strings compare to upright bass strings?

Well, for one, string bass strings are a lot longer than electric bass strings. I wouldn't recommend putting string bass strings on an electric bass and vice versa.

How many strings does a upright bass have?

Some electric bass guitars have more strings, but an upright bass traditionally has 4.

What is the difference between electric and acoustic-electric bass guitar strings?

Bass strings are MUCH MUCH thicker. They use more metal to make and are also harder to make.

How are bass and electric guitars different?

A Bass has thicker strings and produces a lower sound.

What does the pickup on an electric bass guitar do?

it picks up the sounds frrom the bass

How any strings are on a guitar?

A normal Acoustic/Electric guitar has 6 strings, and a normal bass guitar has 4 strings. There are also guitars with more strings, i.e. a bass guitar with 5 strings.

What is the pickup on the electric bass guitar do?

It makes it louder

What is the electric bass guitar made from?

plastic and metal strings

What is the difference between and electric bass and an acoustic guitar?

There are several differences between electric bass and an acoustic guitar. A bass guitar has only four strings, which are thicker, while an acoustic guitar has thinner strings and has six of them.

How can one identify bass guitars?

Bass guitars are similar in appearance to electric guitars. It has a longer neck and can have four to eight strings. The most common bass guitar has four strings.

Can I combine guitar strings with bass strings on an electric guitar and if so what thickness should I use?

Thought I've never tried this, I highly doubt using bass strings on a guitar would work. First of all, the bass string likely wouldn't fit inside a guitar's tuning peg. Also, the action on a guitar simply wouldn't work with a bass string. As far as pickups go, I'm not sure what bass frequencies would do to a guitar pickup, but i wouldn't try.

What group does the electric bass belong to?

The electric bass is in the string family. The qualification for being in the string family is the ability to produce sound through the vibration of strings.