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Hydrocortizone cream is safe to put on a shingles rash. You can also get prescription Lidocane from you doctor to apply.

Avoid Benadryl as it can cause the rash to worsen in some people. Also avoid Bagbalm as it causes a burning sensation.

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no. hydrocortisone will make it easier for an infection to occur. hydrocortisone should never be used on any open wounds.

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Q: Can you put hydrocortisone on the shingles rash?
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How do you get rid of marks after allergic reaction?

Take some benedryl and put hydrocortisone cream on the rash/hives.

Is hydrocortisone a good for face rashes?

Depending on the type of rash, hydrocortisone might just work.

Can you put baking soda on an itchy rash?

You may find relief for a bite with a baking soda paste. With a rash, it is likely to dry it out and not be comforting. Anti-itch creams containing benedryl or hydrocortisone will help more.

Why do gay guys use hydrocortisone cream?

Gay guys do not use hydrocortisone cream, unless they have a rash. Just like straight guys.

Are there times when the shingles rash looks more like bug bites than blisters?

Yes, shingles rash can look like bug bites as well as blisters. There is no one way that shingles looks.

What is a good relief for a posion sumac rash?

antihistamines (like Benadryl) and hydrocortisone creams

What is hydrocortisone use?

to reduce and cure inflammed dermatosis such as redness, itch, rash, and dryness

Where can I find the treatment for shingles?

See your doctor and he/she can prescribe you medication to treat the shingles. Typically, a hydrocortisone cream and antibiotic would be provided to deal with the itch and rashes.

Can shingles rash be cultured?

no if you had chicken poks when you were little and you go through a lot of stress you can get shingles my grandma had them

Why would my left lower side hurt and it has a rash?


What are the symptoms of the illness shingles?

Shingle is a painful skin rash. The symptoms of shingles includes pain, burning, a numbness or tingling, itching, a red rash that begins a few days after the pain.

Can shingles be spread through skin contact?

Shingles is an outbreak of the chicken pox virus that causes a rash on the skin. But before the rash shows up, and after the rash is gone, the virus affects the nerves leading to the skin. Right before the rash shows up, a person affected by shingles might feel an itchy, burny pain in that area. After the rash is gone, the patient might have pain or discomfort in that area for some time -- again, related to the nerve involvement and not the skin rash itself. So, to be precise, shingles always develops "under the skin." The skin symptoms make it easiest to diagnose, but it's not the skin symptoms that cause the greatest aggravation with shingles.