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Q: Can you put ice on your swollen bottom?
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What should you put on a swollen hand?

Usually, ice. It might depend on why it's swollen, though. If it is swollen from a sting or an allergic reaction, an ointment would be better.

How do you treat a swollen jaw caused in boxing?

put ice on it and the put some hot rice in a sock heat it and then put it on your jaw

What part of speech is ice?

Ice is a noun (Put ice on your swollen knee) and a verb (Ice your swollen knee).

What do you do for your swollen painful knee?

You should ice it and see your doctor. You can take Tylenol for the pain. Follow directions.

What to put on a swollen smashed finger?

Put some ice on it to ease the swelling and pain. Also if you keep it elevated it will not throb so much.

Can you put heat on swollen finger?

Heat is for therapy, cold is for swelling. If you have a swollen finger you should use ice, you should check with your doctor if the swelling doesn't go down.

What can you do for a swollen lip?

put ice on it... I've used frozen bag of pees or corn seems to work well...

Methods to cure a swollen lip?

Put some ice in a cloth and hold it on there - you should feel it will become smaller.

Your upper lip is swollen what should you do?

the best thing is to put an ice pack on it. it will most likely heal in a couple of days

The head of your penis is swollen?

just like you do to other parts of your body put some ice on it and if it bothers you go to the doctor

Swollen lower lip?

ice (:

Does metamucil get rid of swollen ankle?

Put ice on it and keep it elevated higher than your heart to help the swelling go down