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Q: Can you put lyrics on customised t shirts and wristbands or is that copyright infringement?
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Related questions

What are the lyrics to Adieu little captain of your heart?

Due to copyright infringement, Adieu, Little Captain of My Heart's lyrics are not available for free in any resource. The lyrics by Andre Rieu can be purchased, however.

Can you take lyrics from a song and put it on a shirt then sell the shirt?

Song lyrics are copyrighted. Unless one gets legal permission, license agreement, then it is copyright infringement. You cannot sell those tees until you get permission from the copyright owner.

Can you publish music on YouTube without violating copyright laws?

copyright of music belongs to the sound recording company, composer and lyrics writer if the music is quite old (mozart etc) you can publish it, otherwise it is a copyright infringement to publish music on youtube without the owners permission The best way to avoid copyright infringement on YouTube is to post only content that is entirely your original work.

Is it copyright violation to use another band's song name as your band name?

Even the titles of creative works are copyrighted and protected under copyright laws. If you use any part of a song, the title, lyrics, etc. in naming your band, you can be charged with copyright infringement.

Is writing down a song's lyrics copyright infringement?

Depending on what it is used for. If you or any person is just copying it because they want to learn the words to the song, than that isn't infringement but if they try to use them in another song, that is taking someone else's ideas.

What are the lyrics to Carey Landry's song A Little Child Shall Lead?

Please do not post the lyrics to Carey Landry's song or you will be in violation of his copyright and that of his distributor. Copyright infringement is a serious matter. You may obtain the entire CD from which is his distributor. The lyrics to A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM is on one of Carey's Hi God CDs which is still available.

Do you know a song about The Three Kings or the Three Wise Men?

There is a song titled "We Three Kings" To avoid any copyright infringement, I will simply post a link to the lyrics below

Is it legally allowed to cover the songs from some artist but change the lyrics and keep the same music background and publish them on youtube without contacting their music label?

No. That is copyright infringement.

How do you take the lyrics out of the song so that the music is let with no singing?

I'm sure there are ways, but this is considered copyright infringement and can lead to big fines and even jail time if caught using the music.

What does FilesTube offer visitors to their site?

FilesTube offers files sharing and uploading of files such as videos, games, lyrics and software. It was opened in 2007 by a Polish company. It removes files for copyright infringement as well.

What are the lyrics to You Are My Heart?

Since placing lyrics on this answer page is copy-write infringement and against the site's plagiarism rules, you will find the lyrics on the link below.

'What is This Feeling' lyrics?

Since placing lyrics on this answer page is copy-write infringement and against the site's plagiarism rules, you will find the lyrics on the link below.