

Can you put magazine strips in your hamsters bedding?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No,It will chew the ink and die dont put in normal paper ( Paper cut big for a hamster)

Or News paper( chew ink and die) Use tissue

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Q: Can you put magazine strips in your hamsters bedding?
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Is it necessary to put bedding in a hamsters cage?

yes, definitely

Should you put ripped up tiolet paper in a hamsters bed?

You have to be careful what sorts of bedding you use for hamsters. Soft bedding can actually get twisted up and get caught around the hamsters intestines. Its better to buy bedding from the pet shops that are safe to use. The best sorts are the torn up jay cloth bedding.

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Hamsters have pouches to keep food in them. Also if they want to move there bedding around the cage, they will put saw dust or bedding in there mouths and will arrange the cage how they like, this is a good thing because you will no when they are settled because they will stop moving all there bedding/ sawdust around. :-)

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about 50 dollars, but remember that the food, bedding, and other toys have to be put into the budget including a cage

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they hide under their sawdust and bedding basically the things you put down for them and under you bed if they escape from their cage.

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He is making a nest for himself to sleep in. All hamsters do that. I have had two of them.

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yes,you can. and tissue paper or kitchen paper makes great bedding for hamsters, mine loves it.

How do you nurse baby hamster when mother hamster has died?

This is what you do. There are two things you can do. One is put some milk into a medicene dropper and put it in their mouths. Or buy another girl hamster(same kind) and take some bedding out of the new mom hamster and rub the baby hamsters in it. Put on of the baby hamsters that was rubbed in the new mom's bedding and put it with the new mom. If the mom doesn't eat it do the same things with rest. Hope this helps!

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It would probably be best to not use tissues for the bedding. You should put some tissue for your hamster to use to make a nest, but not really as a bedding. It is not absorbent enough if there is too few and the hamster may have trouble walking around in the cage if there is too much.

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It is safe to put lavender petals in your hamsters cage, but alternitively you can buy lavender scented bedding from most good pet stores which has exactly the same effect

Do male hamsters spray?

Well,some hamsters could but not all of them. I have a 2 hamsters a boy and a girl then a week ago they had babies I think they had 11 of them bu one of them died the mom killed it because she had to many.Now they are a week old they are so cute but you do not want to disturb them in this period of time.

What does a Syrian hamster need for its cage?

Syrian hamsters will need bedding on the cage floor. They need a bowl to put their food in, a water bottle, and a wheel to run in. This is the bare minimum.