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Yes, you can put them in the stew or soup with out cooking them first. You should add them about 10 minutes before the stew or soup is finished because if you put them in too early, they will get tough and chewy.

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Q: Can you put raw shrimp into a stew and just have them cook along with the stew or must they be cooked first?
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Can cooked shrimp be heated?

Sure... but it will more then likely be over cooked. Shrimp does not take long to cook. Your shrimps texture may be a little tough. But YES, you can fry pre-cooked shrimp.

How long to stir fry large shrimp?

If shrimp is not cooked, it will be a grey color. If uncooked, cook until shrimp turns pink, plus one minute. If shrimp is pre-cooked, cook until it has been heated through.

Is it necessary to cook shrimp before using it in a quiche?

Some shrimp come raw, some come cooked. -Read the package, and if raw cook lightly 1 -2 minutes.

Can you grill Pre cooked Shrimp?

It's not a good idea. Shrimp don't have much of a shelf life anyway and they will probably turn mushy.

Can you cook raw shrimp and raw chicken together?

That would not be a good idea. If you start the chicken first and get it almost completely cooked and then add the shrimp, you would be okay. If you start them at the same time, the shrimp will be terrible overdone and rubbery. If you pull the shrimp out as soon as it is done, it will be contaminated by the still raw chicken.

How do you know if shrimp is pre-cooked?

Without looking at the package, it may be hard. Shrimp can be all sorts of colors, too. It's usually pink. When you cook it even for a short time it turns white. When shrimp is cooked, it turns orange-pink in color. If it is in a package, there should be something printed on the package to indicate that the shrimp is cooked. I knew it turned either way, but that's right!

Can you leave raw shrimp in lemon marinade overnight?


How long can you keep cooked shrimp frozen?

Actually, you aren't supposed to cook food then freeze it again. It will say on the packet that you got it from.

You confused raw shrimp for boiled shrimp and ate it and actually enjoyed it Will something make you sick or could that have been your first taste of sushi?

Cooked shrimp is pink, raw shrimp is translucent. No, you did not have sushi. Sushi is a type of rice that is prepared with a touch of sugar and vinegar. It is often served with various types of vegetables and fish (cooked and raw) to add flavor to it. Raw fish by itself is called sashimi. You are not likely to get sick, but even the Japanese don't serve raw shrimp, they cook it.

Does frozen shrimp weigh more than unfrozen shrimp?

yes because it is frozen and everything frozen weighs more then unfrozen.

If you were serving proscuitto with rockmelon do you cook the proscuitto first?

No way. Don't cook them. Already cooked.

How do you cook scamp?

Scamp is a grouper fish. It may be sauted, fried, grilled, poached, or cooked as any other white fish is cooked. If the question is about "Scampi," or shrimp, it might be boiled, fried, grilled, baked or cooked by a number of different methods.