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yes. It will die, but yes you can.

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Q: Can you put starfish in tap water with salt?
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Can you put a starfish in tap water and adding salt?

No. It will kill it. Table salt is processed mined salt and not the same as salt in the ocean. You need to go to a store that sells tropical fish and supplies to buy a special mixture to make sea water for fish.

When you put salt water into tap water which one sinks?

Salt water as it is more dense than water.

Can you just put the saltwster fish in tap water with salt?

No you can not because tap water has chorine that makes fish die

Do plants grow best in tap water or salt water?

Tap water, salt water will kill them

Which will freeze fastest tap water tap salt water and tap sugared water?

Plain Tap water would freeze fastest.Adding salt or sugar to tap water will cause a depression/decrease in freezing point. Hence it will be harder to freeze the tap salt or sugar water.

What kind of water evaporates the fastest Salt water sugar water or tap water?

salt water and tap water

Does tap water has salt?

No tap water doesnt have salt as it goes through several filtres before reaching your tap.

Is salt water less dense than tap water?

salt water is more dense than tap water

How does salt water freeze faster than tap water?

It doesn't. Tap water freezes faster than salt water.

What would freeze quicker tap water or salt water?

Tap water.

How many tablespoons of salt are needed to make salt water out of tap water?

Depends how much tap water you are using. :)

Which grows better a flower in salt or tap water?

Tap water