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After days without seeing each other, the couple began to osculate passionately.

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2d ago

Sure! The couple decided to osculate discreetly amidst the bustling crowd.

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Q: Can you put the transitive verb osculate in a sentence?
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Intransitive Verb.

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Transitive verbs require a direct object to make sense in a sentence, while intransitive verbs do not have a direct object. For example, "She is reading a book" is transitive (reading requires an object - book), while "She sleeps peacefully" is intransitive (sleeping does not require an object).

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welli dont know wt transisivte or wtever that that word is means but if you know how to write that kind of sentence just write the sentence and put gallop in it

Use osculate in a sentence?

Well osculate means to kiss or come close in contact... so if I were to put it in a sentence it would go more like this: 1) After years of not seeing each others, the couple began to osculate very passionately. 2) After a whole night of love making and osculating... Santa Claus finally confessed to Mrs. Claus that he was tested positive for GENERAL HERPES.

Sentence with the word osculate in it?

Well osculate means to kiss or come close in contact... so if I were to put it in a sentence it would go more like this: 1) After years of not seeing each others, the couple began to osculate very passionately. 2) After a whole night of love making and osculating... Santa Claus finally confessed to Mrs. Claus that he was tested positive for GENERAL HERPES.

How do you say the word ''marshal'' in Spanish?

mariscal (noun) ordenar (put in order) (transitive verb) juntarse (assemble, gather) (intransitive verb)

What part of speech is the word trusted?

Noun: I have little trust. Noun: She put her wealth into a trust. Noun: I opened a trust in your name. Verb, transitive: Trust no future, however bright. Verb, transitive: I trust you. Verb, intransitive: He could never learn to trust.

What is advance?

ad·vance [əd vánss] verb (past and past participle ad·vanced, present participlead·vanc·ing, 3rd person present singularad·vanc·es) 1.transitive and intransitive verb move ahead: to move, or move somebody or something, forward in position2.transitive verb suggest something: to put something forward as a proposal3.transitive verb give something ahead of time: to supply something or part of something, especially money, before it is due4.transitive verb lend money or goods: to supply money or goods on credit5.transitive and intransitive verb rise in status: to rise, or make or help somebody rise, in rank or position

Is can an adverb?

Can is; a noun: Put the worms in the can and lets go to the lake. a modal auxiliary verb: I can type very fast. a transitive verb: We want to can all those tomatoes tonight.

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Use is as a verb.