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yes,but make sure to ask one of the people working there if they if the hamsters had a fight or don't get along!

hope I helped ^_^!!

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Q: Can you put two robo dwarf male hamsters together in the same cage?
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Can you have two male or two female hamsters together in a cage?

Of courswe!

Will a male dwarf hamsters groom another male dwarf hamster?

no 2 male hamsters will fight, I have a Male Hamster and so does my Brother, we put them next to each other and my Hamster jumped on top of his. if you out 2 male or female hamsters together, they will surely fight

Can you put 2 male chinese dwarf hamsters in the same cage?

Normally yes, but if they start fighting they will have to be separated.

Can you put a female and male dwarf hamster in the same cage?

Only if you don't mind them having little hamsters.

How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

Do Male Hamsters fight?

If they are kept together,yeah. If they are brother dwarf hamsters they may not fight but if they are Syrian hamsters they will kill each other.

Do two dwarf hamsters fight in the same cage?

It depends on the species or breed of hamster. Syrian hamsters are strictly solitary. They will fight if they live in a cage together. Dwarf hamsters usually are best kept in pairs, so rarely they will fight, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Would a male and female dwarf hamster fight in the same cage?

the male hamster will choose one female hamster and the left one will die

Can a male dwarf hamster go into a female dwarf hamster's cage?

No,no,and definitely not. That is a very bad idea. A male hamster should NEVER be placed in a female's cage, because female hamsters are very defensive about their territory,and will attack your male if he is placed in her cage. If you want the perfect set-up for more hamsters, you should put the female in the male's cage. Since males aren't as defensive about their territory as females, the female will get used to your male hamster's scent. Then they might eventually mate,then you should take her out of his cage. This happened when I first had 3 dwarf hamsters. We put our smallest one, Snowy, into our ferocious female hamster's cage , Paws (it was Chompers at the time, but we changed the name), and she tackled Snowy all over the place. He would have been killed if we hadn't have taken him out. A few years later, I learned in a book about hamsters and their mating, and discovered our problem with putting Snowy in Paws' cage.

What if the male is in the cage when your female hamster has babies?

It depends on the species. The female may be aggressive towards the male and the male will stay away or they'll fight, but with Russian dwarf hamsters the father will help.

Can you put a male hamster in with another one it never met before?

NO! only dwarf hamster should live with a companion, every other type should be left alone. Although when you buy them they are in a cage with others, this is because they are young and some may be brothers and sisters. Two male hamsters are particulary likely to fight and will most likely end up killing each other so do not put them together unles they are dwarf hamsters in which case males are fine together unless you see any signs of fighting, in which case separate them. Finally if you do have dwarf hamsters, and want to put a new one with them, be precautios. If all the hamsters are young they may adapt very well and will settle in together ok, however if the hamsters are older do not attempt to do this. Introduce the hamsters out side of the cage where you can see how they interact, if one hamster is left an outsider, or fighting occurs, do not put them together, but if they seem to mingle well, put them in the cage together and check theat they are ok, you may decide to introduce them gradually by putting the new hamster in a temporary cage and allowing it to go into the other cage for a few hours a day to check that they are ok with one another. Hope this helps!

Syrian hamsters or dwarf hamsters?

I recommend getting a dwarf hamster because dwarf hamsters are less territorial and most of the time can be kept together in the same cage. If you put two Syrian hamsters together they will fight to the death.