

Can you recycle fake plants

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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It depends, what material the object is made of, if plastic and paper you might be able to, but anything eles you might want to throw it away.

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Q: Can you recycle fake plants
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How many years to recycle carbon dioxide?

None. Plants recycle carbon dioxide continuously.

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How do plants recycle?

Plants recycle materials by breathing out oxygen. It is in some way like a trade. We breath out carbon dioxide, then they inhale carbon dioxide through their leaves, then exhale oxygen. So they recycle their materials by exhaling oxygen through their leaves.

Do plants recycle?

Plants recycle materials by breathing out oxygen. It is in some way like a trade. We breath out carbon dioxide, then they inhale carbon dioxide through their leaves, then exhale oxygen. So they recycle their materials by exhaling oxygen through their leaves.

How do plants help other living things to survive?

plants and living things recycle oxygen and carbon dioxide

What organism feeds on dead plants and animals. and helps recycle them?

Detritivores, Decomposers or saprotrophs(bacteria, fungi, and various types of worms) are organisms that feed on dead plants and animals and help recycle them by breaking them down into simpler molecules so that they can be absorbed by new plants.

Is it true that sunlight make it possible to recycle oxygen in the atmosphere?

Sort of, it's plants that recycle carbon dioxide back into oxygen and they need sunlight to do this.

Who invented fake plants?

Albert moore

Where are some places in which a consumer would go if they want fake plants?

A good place to find fake plants will be on eBay and Amazon where there will be a big range to choose from. Moreover, one can visit shops such as Homebase and Tesco as they will stock decorative fake plants too.