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yes, I have slow cooked pork butt, shredded it and frozen it. It comes back fine, if slowly thawed

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Q: Can you refreeze pork butt after you make it into links?
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Can you refreeze pork chops?

No. You should never refreeze raw meats. You can, however, cook the pork chops and then freeze them.

Is a pigs butt pork?

Pork butt, comes from a crossbreed of a goat, and a pig. Once the Goig starts butting into other pigs or goats, they harvest its butt, and what it uses to butt. therefore using both to make the ultimate pork butt.

Can you freeze salt pork?

Yes but the pork is already preserved by salting. Once taken from the freezer do not refreeze.

What is the other name for the pork double loin?

The pork butt

Is a pig's rear pork?

Pig is pork. The butt is the ham, the shoulder is the butt and the bacon, I think, is either is side or the back. Then their are the ribs. Neck meat and left over meat is turned into ground pork or sausages.

Can you put frozen pork butt in smoker?

If you eat pork your crazy god will punish you on the day of jujment

Should you refreeze pork that has not been cooked?

The information I have found stipulates 30 day shelf life.

What best to use to make pork tamales pork shoulder or pork butt?

i have used both and you couldn't be able to tell the difference. so which ever one you have on hand, or which ever is cheaper in the market that day. bottom line, the tamales if done right always taste amazing..enjoy;)

What is a four letter word for pork shoulder other than loin or butt?

pork LOIN ------ The loin is actually between the shoulder and the leg. In the old days, though, a particular cut of pork shoulder used to be called, I kid you not, "Boston Butt" or just "Butt" for short. I would say Butt... the loin is where pork chops come from and runs down the back bone from the ham which is the back leg of a pig to the shoulder... cut the shoulder off and cut the hams off then remove the ribs and you have a pork loin. A four letter word using letters from companies is spam.

What is smoked butt?

Smoked Butt is a term used to describe the leaner part of the pork butt (off the sholder) that is boneless and smoked, Similar to ham which is off the rump of the pig

What is the best cut of meet for a pork roast?

Typically I use a boneless pork loin. If I'm making a pulled pork dish I use a butt roast aka shoulder roast.

Can you refreeze thawed pork?

According to the USDA, once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through defrosting. After cooking raw foods which were previously frozen, it is safe to freeze the cooked foods. No, you should not refreeze meat once it has been thawed.