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Q: Can you renew your green card if you owe child support?
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What are the fees to renew my green card-?

The fees to renew a green card add up to about $900 in fees.

Do you have to renew a green card?

Per Immigration law, YES you have to renew the green card to be a legal resident.

If you are behind on your child support is there anyway to renew your perc card if you can't get a job without it?

I don't know what a perc card is, but contact the State's child support agency about working out a payment plan. Contact the courts about getting your child support order modified.

Can child support be recieived if the father does not have a green card?


Can I make an appointment to renew my green card?

Per immigration law, YES you have to renew the green card to be a legal resident.

How many times you can renew your green card's?

Until and unless you want to stay in US with a valid status you need to renew your green card.Once you get your green card you need to renew it every decade to make sure your stay in US is legal. After minimum 5 years as a green card holder in US if you are eligible you should apply for US citizenship. Once you become a US citizen you need not renew green card since only after you submit your green card in return you would get the naturalization certificate as proof of citizenship in US after all procedure and oath taking.

Your green card expire Do you have to renew it before you could apply for citizenship?

if you are still here in the states on an expired card you might have to return to your country and talk with the embassy over there to renew goodluck this information is completely wrong, if your permanent resident card AKA green card has expired you will just have problems finding a job. what you can do is renew your card using the I-90 form.

is there a place in oakland that i could get my green card renew?

There are at least ten locations in Oakland, California where you can renew your Green Card. One of them is Deverie Christensen, 199 Fremont St., 10th Floor. (415)394-9400.

if the green card expired can you go ahead and do citizenship or you have to renew it.?

You need to renew it or you could have a tough time getting legitimate employment.

Do you have to be married to renew a green card?

No, you do not have to be married to renew a green card. Renewing a green card is a process that can be done regardless of your marital status. However, if you are married to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, it may provide certain benefits and immigration options.

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