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If you're Twitter account isn't protected then anyone can follow you unless you block them.

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Q: Can you restrict who follows you if your twitter account is not protected?
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Can non followers view your Twitter page?

If your Twitter account is not "protected" then anyone can view your profile.

Can people tell when you access their twitter account via Google search?

Sometimes, it depends how well your twitter account is protected and how many people search you. ;)

Can you relpy to people that you follow on Twitter but don't follow you then Twitter is protect?

You can tweet someone even if their account is protected.

How do you reply to a mention on a protected account on Twitter?

Even though the account is protected, you can still mention people normally by writing their username (@username) in your tweet.

Can people comment on your twitter or blog site?

Any Twitter user can send you a tweet if your account/tweets aren't protected.

Can verified people on Twitter see mentions directed to them from a protected account?

Yes they see it.

Can anyone access a Twitter site?

You can look at anyone's Twitter account without having an account. Simply type the URL in the address bar of your browser. However, if their account is protected/private then you won't be able to view it.

Can you just visit a Twitter acct anonymously?

If the account is not protected then you can view it without anyone knowing.

Can non followers in twitter see if you mentioned them in a tweet although your tweets are protected?

If you included their full username (@username) then that tweet will appear in their @replies even if your account is protected.

How do you make visible twitter name for others searches?

If your account isn't protected then everything you tweet is searchable.

In Twitter can your previously protected tweets be seen after your account is made public again?

Yes they will become public.

How does she read your messages on twitter when its been protected on there?

If your tweets are protected then only people following you can see your tweets. If she isn't following you then maybe she has access to an account that is following you.