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In my house my mom always put it in the top shelf of a cabinet with no other food products. Don't put it by anything the peanut allergy sufferer would touch/eat.

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Q: Can you safely store peanut butter around someone with an allergy to it?
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Related questions

Why is it that a person can be allergic to peanut butter and not peanuts?

Why is it possible to have a peanut butter allergy but not a peanut allergy?

DoEs peanut butter really make break out more?

Some people have a peanut allergy. Most people do not. The people with a peanut allergy will also be allergic to peanut butter. It could cause them to break out more or it could affect them in other ways.

Can a child who is allergic to peanut butter have trouble breathing from just sitting at a table with children who are eating peanut butter?

Yes.Peanut is a crazy allergy: people are often crazy sensitive, and people die from it. Do not mess with a peanut allergy.

Can peanut butter cause a seizure?

Not commonly, but in an individual with a severe peanut allergy there can be dangerous reactions.

What is made from peanuts besides peanut butter?

Anti-allergy pills.

Why are you allergic to peanuts but not peanut butter or peanut oil?

My guess is because the peanut is altered and the allergy is less noticeable when it is in peanut butter or peanut oil. I do however believe you are still having an allergic reaction to the peanut butter or oil when you come into contact with it.

Why is peanutbutter a very bad allergy that most people have?

Most people are not allergic to peanut butter. People who are allergic to nuts generally react to peanut butter.

The name for someone allergic to nuts?

Nut and Peanut Allergy

Did jesus eat a peanut butter and jelly?

No peanut butter and jelly werent around then

Has anybody with a peanut allergy ever found a way to taste peanut butter again?

I am allergic to peanut butter, but I still eat it, only once in a while do I get anofolactic shock, which sucks. You should go to your doctor and ask if there is a way you can be amuned to the allergy, they do it with bee venom, why not peanut butter. MY ANSWER: VERY BAD idea! I'm severely allergic and I don't even like the sight/smell of any type of peanut product. I NEVER eat anything with peanuts because it's such a severe allergy. You can eat a peanut butter sandwich three times and the fourth time you could die. It's unpredictable and NOT worth it.

Is peanut butter hard to degest?

In general, peanut butter is easy to digest. In people with an allergy to nuts, they should not consume peanut butter. Most brands are gluten-free, so it should also be easy to digest for individuals with gluten intolerance or Celiac's disease.

Why after eating peanut butter do you get an itchy tongue?

It might be a sign of a peanut allergy, which can cause life threatening reactions. Because peanut butter is relatively dry it can irritate the taste buds on your tongue. But it's best to talk to a doctor.