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Yes. Too much hormone production can cause lactating of the breasts without being pregnant.

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Q: Can you secrete juice from nipples without getting pregnant?
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How do you tell im pregnant without going to the doctor?

Its really easy to tell, are your nipples real brown?

Can a girl get pregnant without getting?

no, They cant.

How do you know if pregnant without a test?

Uhh impossible!! And btdubs, you shouldn't be getting pregnant if you don't even have your period yet.

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Yes there is a chance of getting pregnant without having periods

Can you have sore nipples without sore breast when you are pregnant?

yes, but usually you breasts get hard as the mammary glands swell joymaker rn

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It's possible to lactate without getting pregnant. Some men lactate, so don't be too shocked

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has there been any known cases of a women getting pregnant without a uterus

How do you get pregnant without periods?

Uhh impossible!! And btdubs, you shouldn't be getting pregnant if you don't even have your period yet.

How long after getting the implanon out can you get pregnant because mine has been out for about a year and iam still not pregnant?

If you have been having sex without birth control for a year without getting pregnant, see your health care provider for advice and an exam. The implant does not affect future fertility.

Can men survive without nipples?


Do girls without her period have nipples?

Girls have nipples from the time they are born, perods have nothing to do with them.

Can you get pregnant without intercourse after completing mensuration?

No. Sperm is needed to become pregnant and that involves a man. The fact you now have mensuration means that the potential of getting pregnant is there.