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Q: Can you see protozoan in wet mount stool sample?
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Why your dog its not eathing?

You need to take your dog in to see a Veterinarian to be checked out. Take in a stool sample too.

How often does a dog require medication to prevent worms?

It is best to go to your veterinarian and get a stool sample to see how often, ask your veterinarian, because some people tend to overmedicate and wormers stop working.

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If treatment is required, the doctor will prescribe a three-day dose of medication. One to two weeks later, another stool sample will be taken to see if the infection is still present.

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No and if you have black stool you should go see a doctor.

Can you get worms from your puppies?

It is not common but yes you can. It is best to keep your puppy dewormed on a regular basis. Take a stool sample in to your Veterinarian and have it checked for parasite eggs. Not all eggs will show up, such as the tapeworm eggs which are enclosed in cysts. Sometimes in the feces you will see little white things that look like grains of rice, that would be tapeworm eggs. When you gather your stool sample to take in, take it from over a 2 day period

Are wet kitten stools bad?

Not on a general basis (it's water) but kittens are noted for worms (common) and you should see your vet and if possible take a stool sample from your kitten to the vets on the same day you are seeing the vet.

Can a herniated disc cause blood in the stool?

No, a herniated disc does not cause blood in the stool. See your health care provider, as blood in the stool always deserves a visit.

What if no stool in Colostomy in48 hours?

See your doctor

Lower back pain with fever and black stool?

It'd probably be best to see your general practitioner. Some of the common causes of black stool are iron supplements, beets, and blood in stool. Blood in stool could range from major to minor causes; some being benign and others being deadly.You should see your General Practitioner as soon as possible.

What does it mean if you have blood in your poop?

If you have blood in your feces you may have hemorrhoids. The above poster is correct, but you could also have what they fissures which are small cuts in the rectal area causing bleeding. If this continues please see your doctor and they will take a stool sample from you (you can do it at home) and give you a small package and you will put a sample of your stool on that and then you more than likely can take it to a lab closest to you (your doctor will give you instructions.) The best way to attain a stool sample is to lift the toilet seat, put a piece of Saran Wrap across the toilet hole (leaving a small pocket to collect the feces) and then put the toilet seat lid on top of the Saran wrap. Once finished just take the stick that comes with the kit and scoop a little out and brush it across the ribbed card that is given. Fold it up, put the date, your name and the time you took the stool sample and follow the doctors instructions.

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