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Yes, you can see the HTML code in Kompozer.

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Q: Can you see the HTML code in Kompozer?
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Related questions

What allows us to see the html code as a webpage?

The browser is used to parse an HTML file and return a visual representation of the code as a webpage.

Where is the HTML code for comments?

You don't need a html code for comments. You just post a comment, or post a comment and wait to see if the uploader approves it.

What Is The Code To Show An Html A Text?

<code><code>HTML TEXT HERE</code></code>

Difference between the contents of the HTML file and what you see in the browser?

HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is code that can be used to create a website (among other things). HTML code is nothing but text, but, when viewed in a browser, can display images referred to in the code. If the HTML code is the ingredients of a cake, the browser shows the finished and fully decorated cake.

HTML code has a limit of 10 webpages per site?

No! HTML is simply code. You can write 1 million pages of HTML code if you want. HTML is not a program. Its code. Now you may have a program that uses HTML code and that program has limitations. But not HTML itself.

What is a WYSIWYG editer?

A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allows a web page creator to visually move elements around on a rendered page, rather than writing raw HTML code and using a browser to render it. Obviously, the level of skill required when instant feedback is available is significantly less than if one were to write HTML code, as the editor removes the need for the HTML/CSS code to be interpreted by the author at the time the page is created. Some WYSIWYG editors are so good at producing good HTML, that they can be employed by individuals with no HTML/CSS experience whatsoever and achieve good, valid HTML that does as the user intended.

How can i edit on a ready template?

Use an open source HTML editor like Kompozer- it is WYSIWYG format so people familiar with Micorosoft Office programs should be able to figure it out.

Where is the HTML for a site?

The HTML is stored on a Web server. It is what the Web browser requests, and receives, when you browse a website. To see it as a text, most browsers have an option to see the "source code".

How do you create a new site?

You can create a website using an HTML editor software. These are available online for free. The one I use is KompoZer. You can also create a website using WordPress for free at

How do you pull up your HTML code?

You can pull up your HTML code by right clicking the code and hitting, View Source. This will open the HTML code and you can format it.

Long form of HTML?

To code HTML, you'll need a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++. You can write your HTML code in there and save the pages as "something.html". Make sure you have the ".html" extension. If you double click the file you have made, it will open up a web browser and you'll see what your HTML has done.

What Pokemon game has a HTML code?

No game has HTML code because HTML is only for web design.