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no you can't sell any sort of greenhouses, boxs, meadows, once you get them you havve them for good unless you delete them

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Q: Can you sell the greenhouse on Howrse?
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What can you grow in Autumn on Howrse?

you can grow apples, but there is not much point such you can only sell them for 1 E each. but if you have a greenhouse you can grow anything.

How do you use the greenhouse on Howrse?

You use it like any other meadow on Howrse.

How do you grow crops in Howrse when they are not in season?

u have to buy a greenhouse

What are the planting seasons on Howrse?

You can plant crops on Howrse in spring and summer. If you have a greenhouse you can plant all year round.

How do you plant seeds when its not the right season on howrse?

You can't, unless you have a greenhouse.

Which crops can you grow in spring Howrse?

Carrot, barley, oat and flax. But in greenhouse everything.

Can you only have one green house on Howrse?

Yes, you are allowed one greenhouse only.

Can i sell Medusa's blood?

not by itself you can only sell it with a howrse

Do you have to sell your foal on Howrse?

No, if you want it keep it, if you don't, sell it.

What can you plant in fall in Howrse?

You can plant apples, which are needed for health mashes.If you have a greenhouse, you can plant anything. =)

Can you sell your horn of plenty on Howrse?

yes you can

Can you sell a horse for passes on Howrse?
